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Next-Level Cybersecurity: Why Zero Trust is a Must-Have

Zero Trust has come a long way in a very short time.

According to one recent study, only 24% of companies had a Zero Trust initiative back in 2021. By 2022, that figure had more than doubled, with 55% of companies implementing Zero Trust, and another 42% saying they had plans to implement it in the future.

So what’s driving that trend? Gaps in identity protection — driven in part by the rise of remote work — continue to challenge organizations of all sizes, with threat actors taking full advantage of vanishing network perimeters and fast-evolving ecosystems. In fact, more than 80% of web app breaches in 2022 resulted from credentials abuse, and stolen credentials were the number-one tactic used in ransomware attacks.

That’s why Zero Trust matters more than ever. In this blog, we’ll give you a quick introduction to the Zero Trust concept, and we’ll offer a few reasons why this approach is essential for any organization in today’s threat landscape. 

Understanding the Zero Trust approach to cybersecurity

In a traditional cybersecurity model, the assumption was that threats originated from outside your organization. Zero Trust challenges that notion by assuming that threats can come from both external and internal sources.

Zero Trust fundamentally distrusts all users and devices — even those within your corporate network. It entails a “never trust, always verify” approach to security, scrutinizing every user and device seeking access to sensitive resources.

The 4 principles of Zero Trust cybersecurity

  1. Least-privileged access. Users are granted the minimum levels of access they need to perform their job functions.
  2. Micro-segmentation. Networks are divided into smaller segments, limiting lateral movement for cybercriminals.
  3. Continuous monitoring and authentication. A Zero Trust model verifies and validates the identity of users and devices, monitoring their activities and promptly revoking access for suspicious behavior.
  4. Encryption. Data is encrypted both in transit and at rest, helping maintain the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information.

Why Zero Trust matters for your business

  • Protection against the full range of threats. Internal threats can be more damaging and difficult to detect than external attacks. Zero Trust mitigates that risk by treating all users as potential threats and constantly monitoring their actions, whether intentional or unintentional.
  • A safer approach to remote work. In an era when remote work is the new normal, you must take extreme precautions to maintain a strong security posture.
  • Safeguarding your reputation. Once you’ve lost your customers’ trust, it’s almost impossible to regain it. Implementing a Zero Trust approach sends a clear message that you’re committed to protecting their data against all potential threats. 
  • Regulatory compliance. Zero Trust can help you meet even the most stringent regulatory requirements. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that you only allow authorized personnel to access personal data — and that level of protection is built right into the Zero Trust model.  

Ready to learn more? We’d love to discuss how a Zero Trust strategy can help you thwart bad actors, protect your assets and preserve the reputation of your business. Get started by booking your custom consultation today

Category: Cybersecurity
Last Updated: On November 02, 2023